The new storage building for the BC Historical Society will look something like this and have a small climate-controlled room for precious photos and documents, as well as an area to store larger donations, like the recently donated depot luggage wagon.
Storage Building Project
The Buffalo Center Historical Society is about to launch the biggest project yet – a storage building for all the wonderful Buffalo Center memorabilia that has been donated.
The Heritage Museum, run by the BC Historical Society and located in the Heritage Town Center, is overflowing. Opened in October 2011, it has been gaining popularity over the years, and more and more people are dropping off their BC items for safe keeping and display. This is great news but storage in the HTC is only a long closet on the west side which has been full for a while already.
The new building will be a 40 x 50 foot structure to the west of the Heritage Town Center and will have a smaller inside room for climate-controlled storage of precious photographs, ledgers and paper records. We have jail ledgers from the 1900’s, for instance. The rest of the building will be storage for our larger donations – farm equipment, old business signs, display stands, and the top off Mr. K’s building!
The BC Historical Society documents and numbers all donations and stores them appropriately. This new building will allow us to be much more efficient in our storage techniques and make it possible to keep all donations in good shape. It will also allow some genealogy research for anyone searching our historical sources, which is not possible now due to overcrowding of our material.
The cement for the storage building was donated and poured two years ago but rising prices caused us to pause the final step. Prices are looking a little better now and we are desperate for more room so we hope to begin construction soon and have it finished yet this summer.
We do not have a regular source of funding but we do free-will events and have built up some resources. We still need about $20,000 more to put up the building and finish the grounds. We welcome donations of any size and are very grateful for any support. We are a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Click here for a donation form that can be filled out and sent to PO Box 265, Buffalo Center, IA 50424. Thank you so much for your support!